Friday, 5 February 2010

The Blair Witch Prize

I learnt the other day that last February Blair was given the Dan David Prize by the University of Tel Aviv as the "Laureate for the present age in the field of leadership". It value: one million US dollars!!! Well he certainly was a brilliant Fuehrer. He led Britain back to 1956, when we thought we could send the army in to sort out those unruly A-rabs. He led us out of the counsels of Europe and into the arms of the worst American administration of all time. And he divided Britain more deeply than even Mrs Thatcher did. Full marks! $1 Mn to add to the proceeds of his five jobs! Incidentally, I was glad to hear from a friend at Yale that his professorship of religion there has caused some protests.

One of his knacks as leader was getting rid of his best ministers. He sacked Mo Mowlem from the Northern Irish Office so that he could take the credit for her peace agreement. He removed Robin Cook from the Foreign Office, where he had been the best Foreign Secretary in my lifetime - author of an 'ethical foreign policy', which, if it was not 100% ethical, was the best we could do. Actually, that sacking, in May 2001, was probably done at the behest of Bush, who was already plotting to remove Saddam. And he drove out Clare Short, our best ever International Development Secretary, by lying to her to keep her from resigning with Robin Cook over the Iraq War.

Well Mo and Robin are, alas, dead, but Clare is still there to tell the truth, and she brought the house down with her revelations to the Chilcot Enquiry. Unfortunately she is leaving Parliament when the election comes. Incidentally Brown's recent promise of a referendum on voting reform is totally cynical. This should have happened more than ten years ago, when the Jenkins Commission recommended the abolition of the iniquitous first-past-the-post system. But then we wouldn't have had the Blair/Brown continuation. He just hopes to seduce the floating voters who want voting reform. If it worked he could then forget about it for another five years.

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